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Generate a PDF that includes a fixed header and footer on every page using Dompdf.

December 22, 2023 ≈ 42 seconds

Ever found yourself in a situation where you needed to generate a PDF with fixed headers and footers on each page? Maybe you've been through countless forums and documentation pages, only to end up more confused. If this sounds familiar, you're in the right place! Here is a straightforward...

Add Emoji support to Dompdf

December 2, 2022 ≈ 45 seconds

Attempting to generate a PDF with 🚀👌 😉 and getting 𐈉𐈉𐈉? Googling has led you there:, where you learned that the problem is hard, not solved yet, and that emojis support should be added to php-font-lib first? What should you do next if you still want emojis in your generated PDF?

Cross-browser SVG to PNG. Solution for a tainted canvas in Safari and mobile Chrome.

May 31, 2022 ≈ 51 seconds

How to convert inline SVG image into PNG in the browser? —The easiest way is to draw it on the canvas and use toDataUrl() function. The catch is browser support, especially mobile browsers and desktop Safari. When you try to use toDataUrl() function of canvas with SVG, it becomes «tainted» and blows up with...

Simple multi-domain counter with Redis and PHP

June 2, 2021 ≈ 1 minute 8 seconds

Imagine you have multiple domains on your server and you want to add a simple counter to count views and visits. In this tutorial, I’m going to describe how to implement views and visits counter with PHP and Redis. It would be the most simple solution without bots detection, just visits and views...

What's new in PHP8 — printable cheat sheets

December 20, 2020 ≈ 9 seconds

PHP8 has some new features that provide web developers with lots of additional possibilities. Here we have summarized the most important adjustments in printable A4 cheat sheets you can download.

What's new in PHP8?

November 15, 2020 ≈ 1 minute 48 seconds

PHP8 brings a lot of new features like named parameters, Nullsafe operator, Trailing comma in parameters, Catch without variable, Class name literal on an object, and much more. Here are examples of how these new PHP8 features work.